Use of Credit Service Agreement (for owners of D-purses)

The Owner of the WebMoney Transfer System unconditionally provides technical implementation of the procedures for accounting, storage and control of bearer debt instruments in the Paymer format, transferred by the Member of the WebMoney Transfer System through the automatic WebMoney Transfer hardware and software complex in the process of conclusion of a goods or services provision transaction with a deferred settlement in title units of the WMZ type, if:

  • You agree with the listed below Rules for Lending Transaction in the WebMoby Transfer System;
  • You are the actual beneficial owner of the electronic attributes of the WebMoney Transfer System credit transaction (WMD title units). The status of the actual owner of the title units of the WMD type and, therefore, the status of a Lender (Creditor) is confirmed when You accept bearer debt instruments registered by the Borrower in the Paymer format, transferred, following the WebMoney Transfer procedures in accordance with the terms of the Issue of Debt Instruments Agreement, from another Member (the Borrower) as a temporary collateral for the goods or services provided to him;
  • You acknowledge full responsibility for the conclusion of a credit transaction and accept the risks of non-fulfillment of the terms of the transaction by the Borrower;
  • You independently verify the identity and creditworthiness of the Borrower employing any means available to you prior to the conclusion of the transaction, and acknowledge that the WebMoney Transfer System is not a party to the transaction;
  • You agree to pay for the use of credit services of the WebMoney Transfer System by automatic transfer of a fee of 0.1% of the volume of title units of the WMZ type using the service details of the System at the time the Borrower transfers funds to repay his bearer debt obligations in the Paymer format, transferred to you as a temporary collateral compensation.

The rules for performance of credit transactions in the WebMoney Transfer System

  1. Lending operations imply the provision of goods or services by some System Members to other System Members with the deferred settlement, secured by the transferred, following the WebMoney Transfer System procedures, bearer debt obligations in the Paymer format in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Registration of Debt Obligations with the Lending Services of the WebMoney Transfer System.
  2. Terms of a Loan Agreement signed by the System Members require for the Borrower to fully repay the Lender within a specified period of time from the date of performance of a lending transaction, by transferring equivalent amount of WMZ title units using the Lender’s details.
  3. Bearer debt obligations are registered by the Borrower in the Paymer format and accounted for using the details of the WMD type, following the WebMoney Transfer procedures, constitute a credit transaction instrument and have value equivalent to that of goods or services provided to their owner under the terms of the transaction.
  4. Lending operations permit assignment of the rights of the creditor’s claim only by the way of transferring the debt obligations of the Borrower to a New Lender.
  5. Automatic repayment of the debt obligations accepted by the Lender from the System Member (the Borrower), shall be carried out exclusively by a transfer of the WMZ title units with the value equal to the debt obligations using the Lender’s details in the WebMoney Transfer System.
  6. All issues arising in connection with the full or partial non-repayment of the debt obligations received by the Lender within the establish payment term, shall be settled by the parties to the lending transaction (the Lender and the Borrower) as a part of bilateral relations of the parties by filing a claim against the Borrower for the payment of the unpaid balance of the obligations in the Paymer format .

Turnover of Debt Obligations Agreement (for the owners of C-purses)

The Owner of the WebMoney Transfer System shall unconditionally provide technical implementation of the procedures for registration, accounting and repayment of Your debt obligations transferred to other Members of the WebMoney Transfer System via the automatic WebMoney Transfer hardware and software complex in the process of conclusion of a lending transaction, if:

  • Hereby You agree to the following Terms and Conditions of debt obligations registration in the WebMoney Transfer System;
  • You are the actual beneficial owner of the electronic attributes of the WebMoney Transfer System credit transaction (WMD title units). The status of the actual owner of the title units of the WMD type and, therefore, the status of a Borrower is confirmed when another System Member accepts Your bearer debt obligations in the Paymer format, in a form of WMD title units, as a temporary collateral for the goods or services provided by him;
  • You acknowledge full responsibility for the conclusion of a lending transaction and undertake to repay transferred to you bearer debt obligations in the Paymer format by transferring of title units using the Lender’s details in the volume and within the term outlined in the terms of the lending transaction;
  • You independently verify the identity of the Lender, relevance of the scope and quality of goods and services to the terms of the concluded lending transaction as well as the goods and services delivery and receipt mode, employing any means available to you prior to the conclusion of the transaction, and acknowledge that the WebMoney Transfer System is not a party to the transaction;
  • In the event of full or partial non-discharge of your debt obligations in reasonable time, You agree to provide the Lender, at his request, with Your complete identification information available in the Webmoney Transfer System.
  • In the event of full or partial non-discharge of Your debt obligations within reasonable time, You acknowledge that You are bound by civil relations with the claimant, based on the full discharge of the obligations toward You by the initial Lender, which were transferred to the claimant (a new Lender), following the WebMoney Transfer System procedures, or any other system of liability accounting, conducting the procedure of authentication of the WebMoney Transfer ASP.

Conditions of Registration of Debt Obligations in the WebMoney Transfer Credit Services

  1. Registration of Your bearer debt obligations in the Paymer format is executed exclusively at the time of the transfer of obligations to another System Member, lending you goods or services, and ultimately imposes on You a liability to fully repay the debt to the Lender within the established by him time period, beginning on the date the lending transfer was concluded.
  2. Bearer debt obligations in the Paymer format, deemed instruments for a lending transaction, have a quantitative equivalent, determined by the electronic attributes of the transaction and are accounted for in the WMC title units, and are equivalent to the cost of goods or services, provided to you under the terms of the lending transaction, calculated in the WMZ title units, provided the cost does not exceed the total allowable limit for debt obligations registered in the Webmoney Transfer System. The total allowable limit for debt obligations is established for You on individual bases using the algorithm implemented by the System Owner to restrict the maximum limit of obligations of parties to lending transactions and cannot be adjusted at the parties’ request.
  3. Debt obligations transferred by You are accounted for by your counterparty in the WMD title units and cannot be made available to You for use prior to the debt repayment date in accordance with the terms of the lending transaction.
  4. Automatic repayment of Your debt obligations, transferred by You to the Lender is carried out exclusively by the transfer of the volume of the WMZ title units corresponding to the debt obligations using the Lender’s details in the WebMoney Transfer System from You, using your details in the WebMoney Transfer System.
  5. If You fail to repay Your debt obligations within the time limit established in the lending transaction, an automatic change of functions of the WM Keeper software You use shall occur, i.e. You will no longer be able to transfer title units to other Members in the WebMoney Transfer System, except for transactions of exchange of the title units of any type held by You for the WMZ title units via the exchange services of the WM Keeper software You use. At the same time WM Keeper shall initiate an automatic repayment of Your debt to the Lender by transferring WMZ title units in the volume equal to the debt obligations either as a lump sum or in stages to the Lender.